Our neighbor just arrived from a trip in Davao City and they gave us Durian Candies.
Justification to the week's Theme:
Protagonist Lightning McQueen is a selfish race car who values fame in winning the "Piston Cup". He did not value the friendship of his semi-trailer truck "Mack" and partnership with "rustees" guys.
Camaraderie : I seen this to the "radiator springs" populace who makes and effort to clean, beautify and promote their town. They have each and everyone inspite of the hardships of life.
Friendship: The selfish Lightning McQueen became more friendly and compassionate to his new found friends in Radiator Springs. Further more, the rusty "Mater" which is a tow truck valued McQueen as his Best Friend inspite McQueen's selfish character.
Likes: the cars (characters); when McQueen pushed-towed King towards the finish line and said "the king must finish the race". When Mater rode the helicopter
Hates: nothing :D
Philippine Movie Classification : General Patronage (GP)
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