Regular Batchoy

Me, GF, her parents and niece & nephew are in their car, while we are cruising down towards the city via Capistrano Street, her nephew said "diba may batchoy-an dito sa Rizal?" (There is a batchoy house here in Rizal isn’t it?) Then my girlfriend and her parents were surprised because it was long time ago, her nephew is so young at that time but he still remembers it. "There is!" said my Girlfriend as she points where it was. I then asked, "why is this placed called Rizal?" she answered me, "because, of that" pointing to another building on the next corner, its an old movie house called Rizal Theater. Then I got this very clever idea as I whispered to her "hmmm??? After I bring you to work, ill drop by on that batchoy house for breakfast". She agreed.
The next day, unexpectedly, she said that she wouldn’t go to work early, for she will take an examination together with her co-worker. So I said that I’ll still be with you, I'll bring you to that examination venue. So after I brought her to that venue, I executed my clever idea, good thing that its just on the next corner so I there I went and so does this entry.
They have three sizes: regular; special; and super. You can have it with egg or without. They also have a bakery so you can buy bread that can go with your batchoy. For this photo, I only had the regular one, which is a big mistake for a foodie blogger in me.
I want to have another bowl of super but its to costly to buy two bowls in one seating, then I remebered that there was a food place nearby as recommended by a friend for a good fresh lumpia. That lumpia will be my tomorrow’s entry (23 Oct 2010)so pls drop by again.

Photo herein is captured using
Canon Powershot A580 in
d'Original La Paz batchoy House
Capistrano st., Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental, Philippines
last 29th of April 2010
Digital Scrapbook created using Microsoft Visio
using "atomic turquoise 1" by SandyLion